A Brief History of Tamburica in Burgenland

1888: The first tamburica-orchestra comes to Vienna on the occasion of the world exposition.

1923: Slavko Marhold founds the first burgenlandian tamburica-orchestra in Baumgarten. A few years later a student group from Vienna (the Kolo) heads for a tamburica-tour through Burgenland.

After the second world war tamburica starts to become popular in Croatian villages throughout Burgenland. Today there are about 30 Bands with approximately 750 members. Most of them are between 19 and 35 years old.
In the meantime the bands picked up international songs and play them more often.

The greatest problem remains the lack of possibilities to learn playing the instrument, as well as a lack of courses, meetings and the absence of a Tamburica-School.


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